What Are the Different Types of Rendering


In the world of construction and renovation, rendering is a term that frequently surfaces, yet its nuances are often overlooked. Rendering is more than just a final coat on exterior walls; it’s a crucial aspect of shaping a building’s appearance, durability, and weather resistance. In this comprehensive blog post, we’ll delve deep into rendering, exploring the different types available. Whether you’re considering cement and sand renders, monocouche renders, mineral renders, silicone renders, acrylic renders, or lime renders, we’ll provide insights into the types of render, their characteristics and applications. Additionally, we’ll discuss critical factors that should guide your rendering decisions, ensuring your project’s success.

What Does Rendering Mean?

Before we dive into the fascinating world of rendering and explore its various types, let’s start with the fundamental question: What does rendering mean?

In the context of construction and plastering in London, rendering refers to applying a protective, decorative, and weather-resistant finish to external walls. The different types of render, including traditional cement render, sand render, lime render, silicone render, or acrylic render, not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of a building but also shield it from the harsh elements that London’s climate can deliver. A skilled plasterer in London plays a pivotal role in rendering, as their expertise ensures that the final coat is applied smoothly, evenly, and precisely.

Rendering serves several essential purposes, from providing insulation and reducing energy consumption to concealing imperfections in the underlying structure. It’s a transformative process that breathes new life into buildings, making them more resilient and visually appealing. Now that we’ve clarified the meaning of rendering, let’s explore the diverse options available and where they fit best in your London projects.

Different Types of Rendering

When it comes to plastering in London, choosing the right type of rendering can make all the difference in achieving the desired look and performance for your building. Here, we’ll explore several popular rendering options to help you make an informed decision.

Cement & Sand Render

Cement & Sand Render

Cement and sand rendering, a classic choice for plasterers in London, is known for its durability and versatility. This robust mix of cement, sand, and water provides a sturdy exterior finish, making it suitable for various applications.

Where Can You Use Cement and Sand Rendering?

Sand and cement render is ideal for traditional brickwork and masonry, offering excellent adhesion and weather resistance. It’s a reliable choice for residential and commercial projects, providing a timeless finish that withstands London’s unpredictable weather. It is one of the most popular types of render.

Monocouche Rendering

Monocouche rendering has gained popularity among rendering contractors in London due to its efficiency and modern aesthetic. This pre-mixed, one-coat solution offers a low-maintenance, colourful, and smooth finish.

Where Can You Use Monocouche Rendering?

Monocouche rendering is well-suited for contemporary buildings, providing a sleek appearance to your external walls. It’s an excellent choice for those seeking a quick and efficient rendering solution that enhances the curb appeal of their London property.

Silicone Rendering

Silicone rendering is a versatile and highly weather-resistant option that has captured the attention of plasterers in London. Comprising silicone-based materials, this rendering type offers exceptional durability.

Where Can You Use Silicone Rendering?

Silicone rendering is perfect for London’s damp-prone areas, as it resists moisture and allows buildings to breathe. It’s popular for residential and commercial projects seeking long-lasting protection and a polished appearance.

Acrylic Render

Acrylic render is another contemporary option known for its flexibility and attractive finish. Made from acrylic-based materials, it offers a range of benefits for appearance and performance.

Where Can You Use Acrylic Render?

Acrylic render is often chosen for commercial buildings in London, as it can be tinted to various colours and provides a textured or smooth finish. It’s a versatile choice when you want to add a touch of style to your project.

Lime Render

Lime render, a more traditional option, has been revitalised by those who value sustainability and a natural look. Unlike ordinary cement renderings, it’s an eco-friendly choice gaining attention among London rendering contractors.

Where Can You Use Lime Render?

Lime render is ideal for heritage restoration projects and eco-conscious homeowners in London. Its breathable properties make it suitable for older buildings, allowing moisture to evaporate and preserving their historical charm.

Key Factors Shaping Your Rendering Decisions

When selecting the right rendering type for your construction or renovation project in London, several key factors come into play. Understanding these factors is crucial to ensuring a successful outcome that aligns with your goals and constraints.

Property Age

The age of your property is a fundamental factor influencing your rendering decisions. Older buildings in London may have unique structural characteristics and materials that require special consideration. Traditional lime render, for example, can be an ideal choice for preserving the authenticity of historic properties. On the other hand, modern constructions often benefit from the efficiency and durability of options like monocouche or acrylic render. Assessing your property’s age allows you to choose a rendering type that complements its heritage or suits contemporary aesthetics.

Existing Substrate

The existing substrate, or the surface to which the rendering will be applied, significantly impacts the choice of rendering. Different substrates, such as brick, concrete, or timber, require specific rendering materials and techniques for optimal adhesion and longevity. Professional rendering contractors in London will assess the condition and compatibility of the substrate to determine the most suitable rendering solution. This ensures that your project starts on a solid foundation, literally and figuratively.

Desired Finish Effect and Colour

The desired aesthetic outcome is pivotal in selecting the right rendering type. Whether for a traditional, textured appearance or a sleek, contemporary finish, each coloured render option offers distinct visual characteristics. Additionally, the ability to customise colours and textures varies among rendering materials. For those in London seeking a particular finish or colour scheme to match their architectural vision, it’s essential to consider this factor in rendering choices.

Time Constraints

Time constraints are a practical consideration, especially in London’s fast-paced construction environment. Some rendering methods require multiple coats and curing time, while others offer quicker application and drying. When time is of the essence, rendering contractors in London may recommend options like acrylic or monocouche rendering for their efficiency, helping you meet project deadlines without compromising quality.

Budget Constraints

Budget limitations are a reality in any construction or renovation project. The cost of materials, labour, and additional factors like scaffolding can influence your rendering choices. While certain rendering types may be more budget-friendly upfront, assessing their long-term maintenance and durability is crucial to ensure cost-effectiveness. Skilled plasterers and rendering contractors in London can guide you in finding the right balance between your budget and the desired results.

Why is Professional Installation Important?

Professional installation is a non-negotiable aspect of any rendering project in London. While it may be tempting to undertake rendering as a DIY project to save costs, the expertise of a skilled plasterer or rendering contractor is paramount for several crucial reasons.

First and foremost, the longevity and durability of the rendering depend on the precision of its application and the chosen modern renders. Professional installers have the experience and knowledge to prepare the surface properly, ensuring a solid bond between the rendering material and the substrate. This meticulous groundwork prevents issues such as peeling, cracking, or premature deterioration, which can be costly.

Furthermore, professional installers know the techniques and application methods required for different rendering types. Whether you’ve chosen cement and sand render, monocouche render, silicone render, acrylic render, or lime render, they possess the expertise to achieve a flawless finish. Their attention to detail guarantees that the rendering looks aesthetically pleasing and performs optimally regarding weather resistance and insulation.

Safety is another paramount concern. Rendering often involves working at heights or using specialised equipment like scaffolding. Professional installers are trained in safety protocols, minimising the risk of accidents or injuries during the project.

In the bustling construction scene of London, time is money. Professional installation ensures that your rendering project is completed efficiently and on schedule, helping you avoid costly delays. Additionally, their knowledge of local regulations and building codes ensures that the work complies with all necessary standards and approvals.


In the dynamic world of construction and renovation in London, the choice of rendering is not just a finishing touch; it’s a statement. We’ve explored various house rendering options, from classic cement and sand rendering to modern acrylic and silicone rendering, each with unique charm and purpose. Remember, when it comes to rendering, the devil is in the details, and that’s where the experts at D. White Plastering shine.

Our team of skilled plasterers and house rendering contractors in London is dedicated to turning your vision into reality. Whether it’s preserving the heritage of historical properties or giving a contemporary edge to new builds, we’ve got you covered. Don’t compromise on quality; trust the professionals for precision, durability, and style. Let us be your partner in transforming London’s buildings, one render at a time. Contact us today to discover how we can elevate your project to new heights!

Tips on Choosing a Good Plasterer for Your Home Improvement

Congratulations- You have finally decided to give a makeover to your old home and make it look brand new, right? Well, that’s the reason you have landed right here, looking to choose the best plastering company for your home renovation. Not only do they help give a smooth finish to your home walls, but they may also help keep uneven surfaces and paint wastage at bay.

Though it’s a good idea to choose a reputable team of plasterers, you should not decide in a rush without adequate research. Since the market is flooded with numerous professionals, choosing the right one may seem a potentially daunting task! Don’t worry; this post will provide you with expert tips and tricks to help you choose the right plasterer in Folkestone, Kent or anywhere else.

1. Don’t Overlook Their Experience

If you are looking to choose the best plastering company for your home improvement, then ensure you consider their experience. Whether you want to enhance the appearance of your home or make your walls or ceilings look incredibly appealing, choosing the right plasterers is inevitable. With a group of plasterers having years of experience (more than 5), it is a good sign that they know the ins and outs of the plastering process from start to finish.

Not only it can help you achieve your desired finishing goals, but it can also help save a lot of money and time during the process. Furthermore, with ample experience under the hood, you can rest assured that they can deal with any potential issues that might arise in the future.

2. Check Their Past Work

No matter how reputed, popular or experienced a team of plasterers is, you should always check their past work to gain a better understanding of their work. Talk to their previous clients to understand not only their work but also their behaviour. Remember that their moral conduct can give you a lot more knowledge about their work.

Also, check whether they have handled the work similar to yours in the past. If they did, it’s a good sign that they can easily get the job done. If you are unable to find their past clients, ask them for a portfolio of their work samples. On the flip side, if they are unwilling to provide you with any references, stay away from them.

3. Go Through Their Online Reviews

If you are looking to hire a dedicated and seasoned team of plasterers, ensure you check their online reviews before a final call. Simply search the name of the company on Google and check their reviews on the right-hand side of the page. If you find out there are many good and positive reviews, then it’s a good time to join hands with them as there are substantial happy customers.

On the other hand, if there are many negative reviews, then avoid hiring that team and continue with your search. Understand that some bad reviews are normal and to be expected. However, if a company has too many negative or only positive reviews, steer clear of them.


That’s all about hiring a dedicated team of plastering professionals. Keep these quick tips in mind and make the right decision today.

Tips for Hiring the Right Plasterer for Your Home

When it comes to the matter of renovating your home or getting your home constructed, hiring the right professionals is of utmost importance to give your home the care that it deserves and provide it with a meticulous finish and attention. With an experienced plasterer, your home can get the most perfect final touches, and you can efficiently maintain the aesthetics and foundation of your home. Here’s how to hire the right plasterer for your home construction project.

Conduct Research

A simple search engine directory and asking for recommendations from friends and family members can help you find a solid list of plasterers in your locality. If you are specific to locations, you can search for “plasterers in Dartford” to see services in that location. While some construction companies provide plastering services, others specialise in plastering and exclusively deal with it. Therefore, it is always better to go for services specialising in plastering to get the best results.


Always check if the companies that you have narrowed down are registered with the appropriate authorities and comply with local regulations in terms of licensing, credentials and insurance. This can help you prevent any kind of loss arising from the fault of the services and help you make the right decision.


Most reputed and trustworthy companies would have a genuine list of testimonials from their previous clients regarding the quality of their work. Asking them for references will help you gauge the kind of work they have done in the past and their commitment to the same. You can also read online reviews of their work and see if they fit your requirements and expectations.


Always inquire about how long the plasterers have been working and what projects they have handled. It’s better to know if they have been adequately trained and skilled. Ask about their expertise and the range of work they can offer in terms of types of plastering – traditional, modern, drywall, etc.


Communicate your requirements to the plasterers and let them know of any specific requirements that you may have, and by doing so, inquire about the quotes they are offering for the kind of work you expect. If the prices fit your budget, then well and good. Compare the costs for services offered and filter out.

Resources and Methods

It is always better to know the kind of materials that the plasterer uses and if they are equipped with modern tools and techniques to be sure of the quality of the work that they offer. Plasterers in Ealing are known to use the best kind of materials to complete their work.  Some materials can be of low quality and have detrimental effects on the human body; therefore, be sure that the plasterer uses the best quality materials.

Explore our comprehensive guide on the cost of pebble dash removal for valuable insights and informed decisions.


Once you have narrowed your options, fix the timelines after asking how many days they would require to complete the project. Would they need your presence for supervision? Payment schedules and formalities, etc, so that there are no delays in the work and you receive your house back in the best of condition in the shortest possible time.


Your home is your space of comfort, and therefore, it deserves the best treatment possible to maintain its charm. You can always go for skilled and experienced professionals who have dedicated years of service to construction work for the best of services. You always need to do a thorough background check of their skills and techniques to be assured that you are receiving the best possible work for your home. Give your home a much-needed glow-up with the most experienced and professional plasterers.

Skimming Over Artex? Hire a Professional

Artex was a form of coating with a distinct structure that can be easily found in traditional and old homes, as it was a design style of choice back in the day. Many modern homeowners prefer to avoid having an artex in their homes and wish to get it removed or updated. Skimming over the artex is found to be a popular choice for this, and many homeowners prefer the same to deal with the artex effectively. It can give your house an upgrade, but you must always hire a professional to do so and avoid any risks. Here’s how professionals can help.

Experience and Skill

Professional plastering services come with adequate knowledge to deal with such specific situations. They have been handling plastering work for years and, therefore, must have come across many challenging problems like skim over artex and other intricate work. With their skilled hands and years of training, they are most suited to give your ceiling a smooth finish without making it look imperfect or uneven.

Surface Work

To be able to skim perfectly over an artex, one needs to engage multiple layers of work and levels of preparation. The structure must be thoroughly prepared to make it suitable for applying the skim coat. Efficient professional plasterers are aware of the proper techniques to get the work done meticulously. You may gain access to DIY tools to get it done on your own, but without practical knowledge, you will likely do a shoddy job at it. Professionals will analyse the texture thoroughly and do what is needed to remove loose material and create a sturdy position.

Efficient Tools and Supplies

Professionals have the correct tools and equipment to do the job accurately. They have access to high-quality plastering materials to provide you with top-notch work standards. By using good quality material, they make the surface highly durable and give longevity to the structure. They seamlessly blend the artex into your ceiling and give you a flawless finish. They understand the materials already used in the house, and therefore, they use complementing materials to retain the charm of your home.

Explore our comprehensive guide on the cost of removing Pebble Dash for valuable insights and informed decisions.

Saves Time and Money

If you’re tempted to do a DIY project to save your money, you will most likely do an uneven task as you don’t understand the structures and mission well, and then you will eventually hire a professional and spend more money. Therefore, it is always better to hire a professional from point blank and get an efficient result. In your busy schedule, finding the time to do it yourself could also not be feasible. Keeping all of this in mind, the best recourse is to hire a professional plasterer in Canterbury.

Safety, Mess-Free

A professional plasterer knows how to clean as he works and knows how to protect the furniture or other structures of your house while working. Therefore, they conduct a clean job without creating much mess. They also retain the aesthetics and the value of your home.


Give your house the look you want with a professional plasterer’s experience, skill and meticulous attention to detail. Transform your home now with ease and convenience.

Pebble Dash Removal Cost Guide

In the 20th century, pebbledash became an increasingly popular choice for outside walls of a building. Its practicality and low maintenance requirements were appreciated by many. A lot of people in today’s date also prefer pebbledash for its rustic and rugged charm.

However, exposure to environmental pollutants and weather conditions can cause pebbledash to deteriorate. That’s one of the major reasons you may need to remove pebbledash from the outside wall. Also, some homeowners find the pebbledash rendering to be dated and want an upgrade.

Pebbledash removal is a labour-intensive process. It often requires the assistance of a professional team to remove the render and reveal the original brickwork. As a result, the cost to remove pebble dash is comparatively higher than the usual exterior wall coating removal job.

If you are willing to remove or repair pebbledash from your walls, here is what you need to know about the process and the cost.

What is Pebbledash?

Pebbledash is a form of coarse plaster surface that is used on the exterior walls of buildings. While it is more common in the UK, this type of exterior surface can be seen all around the globe. It is made using a layer of mortar, followed by a layer of pebbles.

Over the years, homeowners and builders have used pebbledash to protect their walls from harsh weather conditions. Its durability, weather resistance quality, and aesthetic appearance made pebbledash extremely popular in the UK.

Pebbledash became a widely used rendering technique in the early 20th century as a part of the Arts and Crafts Movement. Also, the post-war years of housing development saw a significant usage of pebbledash as it was more cost-effective and durable.

In the 21st century, people’s preference for exterior wall coating has changed a lot. While some homeowners still prefer to keep this vintage form of render, a significant portion of the population wishes to update the exterior by removing pebble dash from their external walls.

Reasons Why You May Want to Remove Pebbledash Render

Even though pebbledash render offers several advantages, homeowners often choose to remove the existing render of pebbledash for various reasons. Let’s look at all the major reasons you may want to remove the existing pebbledash render from your external walls.

The Render May Be Damaged

Exposure to weather conditions and environmental pollutants for years can damage the pebbledash render. As a result, the pebbles can come off the wall, making the wall look patchy. Also, the wall may start to appear discoloured and dull with time. A complete removal job makes more sense than repairing the pebbledash render in such cases.

Aesthetic Improvement

Pebbledash used to be extremely popular in the 20th century. However, the definition of aesthetics has evolved over the years. Not to forget, people’s preference has also changed significantly. In order to upgrade the exterior to something more trendy and contemporary, homeowners need to remove the existing render of pebbledash first.

The Reason Why it Was Added May Be Obsolete Now

Earlier, people had used pebbledash rendering on the outer walls to make their houses more weatherproof. The little stones on the surface and the rend itself enhanced the weather resistance properties of the wall. With the introduction of weather-resistant paints and treatments, the pebbledash render has lost its relevance.

You may also have some other reasons for pebbledash removal. However, most homeowners choose to do it for the aforementioned reasons. You should consult an expert if you are not sure whether to get the pebbledash removed. Since the cost of removing pebbledash is on the higher side, you need to make the decision wisely.

What Choices Are Available to You?

When it comes to treating the pebbledash render, you get a few options. Depending on the condition of the outer wall, your home improvement requirements, and the budget, you can choose any of the following services from a professional team of pebbledash removers.

Remove Pebbledash and Re-render

If you want to remove the pebbledash coating and then re-render the wall to get a different finish, this is the right option for you. This is particularly useful when you only want to update the exterior of your house to something more contemporary.

In this process, you must apply some force to break loose the pebbles embedded in a thick layer of cement mortar. You can use a hammer and chisel or a power drill to chip away at the surface of the wall. However, professional pebbledash removers use a chipping gun or a pressure washer for the job.

Once you are done removing the pebbles from the wall, you can re-render the wall as per your preference. A professional team of experts can suggest what type of renders can be achieved on that wall. Remember, if the wall is damaged, you need to repair the wall first before you can re-render it.

Repair the Pebbledash and Paint Over It

If you want to repair the pebbledash and improve its appearance, this is the right approach. Exposure to different weather conditions and various pollutants deteriorates the quality of the pebbledash render, causing cracks and discolourations. Get it checked by an expert and understand what kind of repair work it requires.

Based on the evaluation, the professional team can make the necessary repairs – including filling the cracks, fixing the loose pebbles, and more. Once those repairs are done, you can ask the experts to apply a few coats of masonry paint over the render to improve its appearance.

Nowadays, masonry paints are available in different colours. Moreover, the paintwork helps protect the wall from further damage by providing an additional layer of safety. Consult an expert to know which paint will be ideal for your pebbledash.

Remove the Pebbledash & Expose the Original Brickwork

You will need professional assistance if you want to remove the pebbledash and expose the brickwork underneath. The pebbledash removal process can be significantly challenging as the stones are difficult to chip away from the thick layer of cement. While a lot of people try DIY pebbledash removal techniques, it is wiser to hire a professional team.

The professional team of experts usually has the right tools and materials to perform the job. Also, you will need protecting gear while chipping away the pebbles from the wall. Unless you have the time and necessary gear for the job, it is better to leave it to the professionals.

In this process, removing the pebbles is not enough. You also need to grind the existing render and expose the original brickwork. This will help you identify the damaged bricks and other issues with the wall. You can also replace the old bricks with new bricks once the underlying brickwork is exposed. A professional team can handle it better.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Removing Pebbledash

If you plan to get pebbledash removal done, you need to consider the cost of removing pebbledash in your area. Here are a few factors that determine the average costs of removing pebbledash by a professional team.

House Size

The size of the house and the wall surface is one of the major factors determining the price of pebbledash removal. If you want to remove pebbledash from only one or two walls, the charges may be a lot less than getting the job done for all the outer walls. Also, if you have a 2-bedroom house, you will have to pay less than the same pebbledash removal job for a 4-bedroom house.


Re-rendering, or applying a plaster finish to the outer walls, is often used by the professional team to improve the house’s appearance. The price of the whole process may also depend on what renders you choose. You have the following options:

  • Cement renders
  • Polymer renders
  • Acrylic renders
  • Silicone renders
  • Monocouche renders

Check out the pricing of these rendering options and see which one fits your budget.

Restoring Brick Façade

If the brickwork underneath the pebbledash was damaged or has deteriorated over the years, you may need to replace the brickwork as well. The professional team of experts may charge you additional money for the replacement bricks and the service required to restore the brick facade. In most cases, the team must break up the mortar and remove the old bricks, which can add to the pebbledash removal charges.


The pebbledash removal process may require scaffolding if you need to remove the pebbledash from upper floors. You must set up scaffolding around the house once the pebbledash has been removed from all sides. The costs may be lower if you want to remove pebbledash from one side of the building.


The cost of removing pebbledash may be higher if the exterior of the house is difficult to access. If one side of the house is hard to access due to the closeness of the adjacent building, the professional team will have to take other measures to remove the pebbledash of that side. This will increase labour costs, making the overall charges slightly higher than usual.

Exterior Painting

Once the pebbledash removal is performed, you may need to repaint the window frames and the plinth at your house’s base. Since pebbledash removal can be quite untidy, this new paint job can help protect your home from excessive moisture. The charges for the paintwork depend on the hourly rate of the painters and the type of paint you select for your home. You can use a paint sprayer if you want to save money on this exterior painting.

Cleaning Inside

Removing pebbledash with drills may cause minor cracks in the property’s walls due to the vibrations. You will have to fill the cracks and paint the walls. Also, removing the rubbles from the property will be a big task. The professional team may remove it for you as a part of the whole pebbledash removal process. However, they may charge extra if you have additional cleaning requirements.

Consult the professionals and share all your requirements. They can give you a quotation for the required job. You can also ask them to look at the area to know if they need to charge extra.

How Much is the Average Cost for Pebbledash Removal?

If you want to remove pebbledash from your outer walls and reveal the brickwork, you will have to spend somewhere between £2000 and £4000 for a professional service. This service generally includes labour charges, supplies, and additional repairs that may be required.

Choose the Right Plasterer for the Job

When choosing a professional plasterer for removing pebbledash from your house, you will have to ask yourself a few questions. Answering the following questions will help you choose the right team of professionals for the job:

  • “Does the team have significant experience removing pebbledash for other clients?” Since it is a skill-intensive task, an experienced team will be more useful.
  • “Does the service provider have client reviews and testimonials on the Internet?” These client reviews can help you understand what to expect from these plasterers.
  • “Does public liability insurance cover them?” If an accident occurs during the pebbledash removal, this insurance cover protects you (the client) and the plasterers (service provider) from liability claims for property damage or injuries.
  • “Does the service provider belong to any professional associations?” Service providers with a strong history of service are usually part of esteemed trade associations.
  • “Does the service provider arrange scaffolding and skip hire?”
  • “Is there an upper limit on the number of bricks the service provider can offer, or does the client need to pay for each brick separately?”
  • “Does the given quote also include the cost of all materials?” Clarify this issue, as it may lead to a huge discrepancy in the final payment.


The process of removing pebbledash can be extremely tedious and complicated. While some people try the DIY methods, a professional team gets the job done with perfection. Now that you have some idea about the cost of removing pebbledash and re-rendering, you can find the right service provider and give your house a complete makeover with their assistance.

Tips for Choosing the Right Professional Plasterer

Plastering is essential to finish any property interior construction or renovation process. You will be required to hire a professional plasterer while renovating your home, building a new house, giving a fresh change to any existing space or just for repair and damage control work. In all these situations, you can avoid hiring the wrong person who would do a shoddy job and waste your time and money. You must hire the right professional to give your home the look it deserves. Here’s how you can make the right choice and protect your home’s charm and appeal with a professional plasterer.

Do your research and seek references.

A simple search engine directory will provide you access to a list of professional plasterers in Dartford. You can then visit their websites and check for the kind of services and the range of services that they provide. You can also read reviews of the previous work that they have done to ensure their reputation and commitment to delivering good work. Check for ratings to hire a reliable company.

Licences, Certifications and Insurance

Every trustworthy service company will have a set of documentation as proof of trust, credibility, experience and reputation. You must check if they are insured and if they will indemnify you for any loss or damage to your property occurring due to their fault. Verify valid work permits to avoid any legal conflicts. Draw up a proper agreement highlighting the terms of service before hiring their services.

Experience and Specialisation

Most professional plasterers in Ealing usually have a portfolio of their work to showcase it and what you can expect from them. Go through the portfolio to see if your vision matches with their work. If they are experienced, they will be able to handle unique challenges, if any and do a clean job at preserving the authentic charm of your property. Some general construction companies provide plastering services, but some offer only plastering services, and that specialisation makes them more preferable.

Extent of Work and Price

It’s always better to convey the extent of work that needs to be done regarding the size and design of your property. This shall help the plasterer provide an accurate quote of the costs you must bear for their services and the time frame required to complete the work. Always communicate clearly and get our doubts cleared regarding the nitty-gritty of their services to maintain transparency.

Materials and Techniques

Always check to ensure that the plasterer uses the best quality materials that are eco-friendly and sustainable and doesn’t have any degrading impact on your health. It’s better to verify whether the materials they use are water-resistant and durable to maintain the beauty of your home without a lot of maintenance costs and resources.


Your home is where your heart is, and your heart deserves to be taken care of with caution and deliberation. Therefore, you must consider all the factors before hiring a plasterer. Give your home a glow-up and immaculate finishing with experienced and skilled professionals.

Tips on Reviving the Interior of Older Homes


Older homes possess a unique charm that many homeowners find appealing. Additionally, older homes have innumerous memories attached to them which bind humans together. However, the realities of living in an old house can be daunting because of the wear and tear over the years. If you want to live in an old house, abide by the following steps to revive the interior of your home and add value to your property:

Smoothen the Canvas

The first step is to inspect the interior of the older home and identify the condition of the walls. If the walls are peeling and there is mould, you need to carefully wash and prep the walls. The next step is to freshly plaster the walls. You can use floating plaster to level up the surface. It is also an effective method to address cracks and imperfections in the walls so that you can achieve a smooth and refined finish.

Customise Textures and Finishes

Breathe a new look into the interior of your home by adding textures and diverse finishes to your walls. You can first choose to plaster over artex to achieve a flat finish, then select the different styles that complement the overall aesthetic of your home. Using the floating process, you can go for a polished look or retain its traditional charm.

Use Paint Purposefully

After the plastering is complete, you can opt for different paint options for your walls. You can select from high-gloss paint to matte and highlight the original architecture. Limewash is an ideal choice if you want to maintain the original aesthetics of the house.

Restore the Floor

One of the important aspects of your home’s interior is to check the floor’s condition. If the floor is sagging, you can use self-levelling underlayment in the problem area to even the floor. If you have access to the basement, you can further take a step ahead and prop up the joists by using adjustable steel columns or by sistering them using two boards and connecting them with bolts, nuts, and washers. You can also choose to replace the flooring with linoleum or ceramic tile for a smooth and durable surface.

Utilise Sources Pieces that Match the House’s Architecture

Include some of the old furniture in the home to maintain the timeless aesthetics of your home. For instance, if your home was built in the late 1950s, then a lounge chair can be the perfect addition to define that period. You can also creatively use furniture to elevate the storage spaces by restoring open cabinets or an antique hutch.

Decorate Old Art in New Ways

If you have rustic or old art, you can use them to redecorate your home. Place a few pieces in the entry, and you can also add an art wall along the side of the stairs. Styling your walls using a vivid collection of paintings can evoke a vintage feeling in your house while elevating its present beauty.

You can utilise these tips and tricks to revive the beauty of your old home. Tap into your creative side or seek the aid of professionals to implement the necessary methods so that you can cherish older properties without starting from scratch.

5 Reasons Why You Should Never Skip Plastering Your Walls

Plastering is considered one of the most important tasks for new homes or remodelling. This material is used for coating, protecting, and decorating internal walls and ceilings. Not only does it increase the appeal of your house, but it also gives your walls a beautiful finish on which further decoration can be done. Apart from this, plastering is crucial for the following reasons:

Creates an Even Finish for Your Walls

A major reason why you should never skip plastering is to make sure your walls are smooth and even. After the cementing process, there are gaps and spaces in your walls which do not look good at all. This is where plastering helps. It makes the rough surfaces of your walls smooth.

If your walls have rough or uneven surfaces, then these areas are also covered by plaster. Although you can opt to plaster the walls on your own, it is always recommended to use a plasterer in Gravesend for a seamless and hassle-free process. Getting professional help can get you those beautiful walls for your home or office spaces.

Provides Scope for Varied Designs

Your living space is not complete until your walls look appealing. You can add the missing factor by applying plaster, thereby elevating the entire look of your home. Plastering also helps you to create a solid base for applying colours or creating designs on your walls.

A significant advantage of plaster is that you can also plaster over artex to create decorative finishes for your walls and ceilings. You can also use plaster to develop ceiling panels and domes, decorative corbels, fancy fireplaces, and even acoustic ceiling tiles and panels. Choose the option that suits your preference to enliven your home. Artemis are great ways to add decorative elements to your home without breaking the bank.

Increases Durability of Your Walls

With plaster, you can increase the beauty of your walls along with increasing its durability. When properly mixed with water and applied to the walls, it helps the walls become stronger. This is because of the chemical reaction that takes place when water escapes the plastic mixture. Plastering also makes your wall resistant to knocks and dents.

Absorbs Noise and Fire

An incredible advantage of plastering your walls is that it helps your walls be resistant to noise as well as fire. Outside noise can be significantly reduced if you are in a room with plastered walls. Similarly, it also helps in deterring fire because of the plaster mixture properties consisting of carbonated lime.

Prevents Mould and Mildew

Plaster is not a food source for mould and mildew. Although both of these may feed on dirt or paint on the wall, they will never ruin your walls if properly plastered. Plastering significantly slows down the speed of damage caused due to mould and mildew.

Proper plastering makes your walls stronger and keeps them intact. You can easily repaint your walls after properly cleaning to ensure your walls remain okay. With regular maintenance and cleaning, you can upkeep your walls properly with no additional stress.


To sum it up, your house is not complete without plastering. It increases your wall strength as well as provides a plethora of advantages. So, when building your new home or remodelling, be sure to cover all your walls with plaster and make your home look pleasant.

4 Tips to Choose an Authentic Plasterer in London

You want to avoid unnecessary wall and ceiling replacement in the future. Therefore, you treat your walls and ceiling to revive their look this season.

An authentic plasterer is an expert at floating plaster, slabbing, spraying, and plastering interiors and exteriors. But finding such a contractor amongst dozens of businesses operating in London can be challenging. 

Therefore, we decided to do some research and put together a list of four tips to help you test the waters of every contractor you come across. 

So, let’s take a look:


If you want to get the best plastering done the first time, do not go easy on the experience of your plasterer. You cannot hire someone who has started working only recently. Each of their workers should be trained and hold a five-year practical experiences. Also, choose someone who is the jack of all trades and can render, skim, spray, and slab all on their own. Too much labour involved can lead to unnecessary inflation of your final bill. Therefore, find a workforce that is potent, experienced, and less in number. 


Knowing what you are paying for is paramount. Therefore, you need to ask questions related to their work to understand the material, labour, and workforce employed for the project. But before that, you need to build your knowledge base. Luckily, plenty of DIY forums and guides on Google will help you understand exactly what you should ask. Once you have read about how plastering works, draft your questionnaire for inquiry. Match their answers based on your expectations and see if they fit. 


It is best to keep many options open. Do not analyse just one contractor and draw inferences based on them. Instead, explore online communities on Facebook. Clubhouse and Discord to grab a few more options. You can also rely on your family and friends for some help. Generally, people do not talk about plastering and home renovations often; therefore, you may be surprised to know the number of leads you can get from your near and dear ones once you start the conversation on plastering. However, if both online communities and friends cannot help, trust local businesses listed on Google and check their reviews based on timing, speed, efficiency, effectiveness, and after-sale services before contacting them personally. 

Final quotation

Before signing the contract, get them to send a detailed quote about the labour prices, cost of materials, and services. Although most plastering firms in London would offer you a quote by themselves, many only share a peripheral version. The prime reason behind asking for a detailed version is- comparative analysis. If you know the exact price of material, labour, and service charges, you can compare them with other contractors’ quotes and choose the most economical (yet effective) one for the job. 

Final Thought

Best contractors are often open and transparent about their services. They do not shy away from sharing their exact experience, their working style, and the detailed breakdown of the price chart. Therefore, memorise these four tips before beginning your plasterer research.